How to Encourage Parishioner Donations
Churches and other religious organizations have traditionally been the largest types of recipients for charitable giving in the United States. Those numbers are diminishing, however, and churches are continually looking for ways to encourage donations from their devoted parishioners.
In the modern digital age, churches are turning to more creative and progressive methods to collect needed funds. Online efforts to keep donors engaged and interested include text to give programs, social media and email marketing campaigns, and the creation of an app for your church.
Effective Ways to Encourage Parishioner Donations at Your Church
In the current COVID-19 era that has shuttered or limited live church events and services, it is more important than ever to engage with your parishioners and offer them safe, easy, and convenient ways to donate. The following are effective ways to reach your parishioners and encourage them to make one-time or repeating donations to your church.
Text to Give Donations Via Cell Phones
Everything these days, including exchanges of money, is done digitally. People simply do not walk around with cash in their pockets or a checkbook in their bag. Mobile technology has advanced to the point where text to give programs are safe, secure, and convenient for your parishioners to donate through their cell phones. With just a cell phone, anyone can give to your church from anywhere, any time with just a few text messages. Text messages are typically responded to within five minutes, opening up the possibilities for your church to reach and connect directly with your parishioners and offer up the easiest way to donate.
Engaging, Compelling Donation Page
The donation landing page on your website is the most important element of your digital efforts. It provides the link to distribute through all marketing initiatives, from email blasts to social media campaigns. This page, and your entire website for that matter, need to be optimized for mobile users to make it easiest on those donating through their smartphones and tablets. The donation page on your site should include the most important information about your cause, branding elements like logos and color schemes, and a simple, concise form for donors to submit their donations.
Send Donors Thank You Letters of Appreciation
Your parishioners want to know that their contributions to your church are appreciated. Your thank you email will let them know their donations have been received and serve as a receipt for tax purposes. Include links and buttons to return them to your donation page and encourage recurring donation options so that makes it easier for them to donate on a regular basis.
Create Mobile App For Your Church
Apps are used for everything from banking and investment to ordering food and scheduling a ride share. Most people with smartphones are comfortable and familiar with apps and how they work, so you will not have to teach your congregation how to use your church’s new app. Parishioners can keep up with the latest church news, read blogs, register for events, and of course, make one-time or recurring donations.
Contact vorText Today to Learn More
vorText is a full service digital communications company that can help your church develop a comprehensive marketing plan to draw in members and encourage parishioners to donate. Contact vorText today for complete information on our text to donate programs and other strategic plans to engage with your parishioners.
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